When I was younger I was all over the place! I knew everybody and everybody knew me. My mother often shook her head, phone call after phone call when I was teenager. There were times she got so angry with people constantly calling, she shut the phones down. You couldn't call before twelve and if she didn't like you, she told you and why! Back then I thought she was being insensitive and mean. But it was pure insight, wisdom and clairvoyance; three things I LONG FOR NOW IN MY LIFE, along with PATIENCE and RESTORAL OF FAITH.
Over the years, I've had some disheartening experiences with some of the same "FRIENDS" Mommy didn't like. And when I'd come to her with my concerns, questions or complaints, her answer was simple: "YOU FOOL WITH TOO MANY PEOPLE FOR ME, ALL YOU NEED ZANEE' IS ONE OR TWO GOOD FRIENDS...THAT"S IT!" As an adolescent, you really don't understand those things, popularity is important to kids and their development. It's how we find our place in life. We make lots mistakes during those times, but life is a learning experience.
It wasn't until I got older, and realized what people really thought of me, did I began to change. Subconsciously, my patience dwindled because of lies, betrayal and just plain ole' dishonesty. My mother told me, I was more loyal to people than they were to me. It took years for me to see, but she was right.
So now, because of years of betrayal and dishonesty...I distance myself from people. If I feel your friendship isn't reciprocated or requited, I'm out...PERIOD! I will never disrespect you, discuss you or malign your character to your enemies, but you will realize the CHILL and mines is like a VORTEX. When I'm done, I'm done. There will be no breaking of bread over drinks and dinner, we won't go shopping together any more and I sure won't be seen "flickin" it up with you on any social networks. I begin to shy away from people when they do something real foul. What's sad is, I'll never tell you what've done, no matter what it is. You will just spend your life trying to figure out why I am so "ANTI-YOU!" I am not ANTI SOCIAL, I've become ANTI PEOPLE! Because people are often narcissistic, selfish, shallow, fake and full of crap. Nobody says what they mean or means what they say. Give people the opportunity to be in your presence and I guarantee you, they are there with angle and you will be betrayed. Because of that, I don't socialize much at all. Folks cannot be trusted. Women are always trying to get in your personal space, in your business or put their foot under your table. Me, I do none of that...in fact, I barely want to be bothered or have company.
Men, hang around, because they want to sleep with you and think there might be a chance...NOT IN HELL! So I don't like keeping men as "FRIENDS" anymore because they just want to screw. A close male friend of mines, came to visit me after ten years; I met him through my first love and he has always secretly had feelings or a lil cute crush, which I IGNORED! But why I'm upset is, he visits me, we sit laugh and talk; Lucas comes in and he leaves. Only to call me and say "YOU KNOW I'VE BEEN IN LOVE WITH YOU FOR YEARS, EVER SINCE I MET YOU!" My response was, "REALLY?"As if I didn't know, I knew...but he dated my friend and I don't do mess like that & he was introduced to me by my first love!
Why do I mention him? Because he stopped calling cold turkey. No warning, no arguments, just drops off the face of the earth, because I don't feel the same way? Then you are not really my friend, you're just hanging around for the fishes and the loaves and I have none to give you! Now, I just don't trust anyone and with good reason. My trustworthy partner is God! He wakes me up in the morning and works things out for me in many ways. I may not understand his thinking, but at least HE is CONSISTENT! People are not consistent and very "fair weather," they lie constantly and only want a friendship when it's convenient or beneficial to them.
Disappointment has caused me to SHUT DOWN! Not fitting into "THE BOX" people think you ought to fit in, causes you to SHUT DOWN...Because I don't comply, conform and agree with a lot of bullshit, I'm the one who's CRAZY and has ISSUES! With that being said, I decided to keep these broads at bay and men too. I find I am happier and content this way. My mother became MY BESTFRIEND and I guess that's why I'm having such a hard time accepting her death, because I refuse to make any real NEW FRIENDS, because people cannot be TRUSTED! It's always something with us as young old heads and I can't do the friend thing! If I haven't known you ten years and better...you are in trouble and I'm unapologetic. Don't take it personal, I'm just protecting myself and my own interest and I'm in survival mode, I have to be...because that's the only way to be.
Now a days, I spend more time on the phone with older people in their sixties and better. They don't have time for dumb shit and foolishness. They entertain you with stories of their youth and I admire their knowledge. Folks my age, LOVE NONSENSE and I AM TOO TRAUMATIZED FOR DRAMA! Maybe I am ANTI SOCIAL, but it's what's best for me and not you...that's why IT'S MY LIFE AND NOT YOURS! Don't take it personal, I'M JUST ANTI- PEOPLE!