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Friday, February 21, 2014


Lately I've had enough time to do some soul searching and reflection. It's obvious I've been missing in action on here, but I wanted to search my mind for a little bit of clarity. There's nothing more ignorant than a person just rambling about nothing in Blog I just decided to wait until I had something pertinent on my mind.

Last week was Valentine's Day & gifts were given, couples got engaged and some were even married. It gave me a thought, how many of us are TRULY HAPPY IN OUR "SITUATION?" See we as women, will express our displeasure with our "SITUATION", but men will sit around looking for the first opportunity to CHEAT and be UNFAITHFUL! Women eventually move on to "GREENER PASTURES." I know I have and need to MOVE AGAIN!

To me, some men are complacent and satisfied being miserable and unhappy; married to some broad because she's the mother of his children. From experience I can tell you, it can be an unpleasant situation. It's amazing how an Ex-boyfriend or Girlfriend has time to demean, degrade and make disparaging remarks about you or your character to other people. Even more amusing is the fact they deny ever saying anything about you. Yet you have heard the same negative bashing words they've said about you (verbatim) over and over again. I have had that experience with only one of my Ex' boyfriends. Mind you he's the one who caused the demise of the relationship in the first place, by getting some girl pregnant and NEVER telling me!

He NEVER apologized for it and was just as staunch and cocky about his actions; choosing to ignore the obvious, yet maybe feeling he didn't need to explain himself to me or even apologize. Right today, he has no idea how I found out about his "secret." Instead, I get to hear about how much of a HOE I am, how FAT I had gotten and how I made the wrong choices in the men I chose in life. When confronted about this, his answers are always the same "I NEVER SAID ANYTHING ABOUT YOU! So are telling me, people just run around making up stories and repeating the same negative mess you say and some of these people don't even know one another...but they're lying? Ok, I'm going to leave that alone!

What is it with men? Why do they choose to berate the person, they hurt? And then lie straight way to your face about it? Why do they choose TRAMPY, NASTY ASS WOMEN, who they think you know nothing about, but are VERY FAMILAR with this new LOVE in their lives; who they want to WIFE up and STILL DOG YOU? So time passes them by, everyone's living their lives and they're stuck in a  DEFUNCT and LOVELESS marriage. Tolerating every MISERABLE WAKING MOMENT OF IT! All I can say is, there is a GOD! Because while you're talking about me and my MISTAKES, you're LIVING your own...TAKE CARE OF THEM!

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